Title: Girl in the War Vidder: colls Pairing/Characters: Ellen, Jo, Bobby Song: Girl in the War by Solas Summary: in the morning all you got is rain, Ellen talks about Jo Notes: Thank you to counteragent
Title: Dance With Me Vidder: colls Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, Sam/Cas, Sam/Kevin, Sam/Amelia, Gen and/or moresome? Song: Dance With Me by Old 97's Summary: Season 8. Sam, everybody wants you
Title: Hound Dog Fandom: Supernatural Song: Hound Dog by Big Mama Thornton Summary: you ain't nothin' but a hound dog.... Warnings: um... I'm sorry? only not really made for episode 9.05 @
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Title: The Best Thing Fandom: Supernatural Song: Mine by Taylor Swift Character/pairing: Sam/Dean Notes: made for glovered as part of the OTW Fundraiser Multimedia Auction. THANK YOU for bidding on me and giving me such a fun song to work with! <333333 thanks/alt links/etc: (here at DW)
Title: Anything You Can Do Song: Anything You Can Do from the musical Annie Get Your Gun Character/pairing: Sam & Dean Notes/Warnings: FLASHVID made for the prompt 'acting skills' @ spnspringfling
Title: Don't Walk Away Vidder: colls Artist: Ryan Levine Category: angst Characters/Pairing: Sam &or/ Dean Warnings: spoilers through season 6 Summary: Sam's POV, I know what a fool I've been and I'll clean the mess I've made
Title: Always a Woman Fandom: Supernatural Song: She's Always a Woman by Billy Joel Subject: Bela, Bela/Dean, Bela/Sam [3:18 min] Notes/Warnings:aka "Everybody Loves Bela
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